Sunday, February 16, 2014

Art Challenge on!

As I wrote before, I spent a week on Monhegan Island last summer with two artists friends, Carol- Anne Centre and Cindy Hendrick.  We rented a cottage with a studio and we all did our "art" for the week.  It was very special to be a part of this and I spent the entire week working on my new artistic endeavor, block printing (it felt like I was away at art camp but with wine and girlfriends!).
We loved it so much we are doing it again, actually this will be CA's 12th or 13th year going, Cindy's 3rd or 4th and my 2nd.

This past week we got together to chat, catch up and laugh about our time on Monhegan and to dream about this coming summer.  So getting into the spirit as we sit in the middle of snow covered winter, I suggested a challenge.  CA does watercolors and ink drawings and CH does oils and I do block prints.  I suggested we each pick a famous painting and choose from the selection - like a raffle - and then winner is the painting selected.  We then have about a month to paint or copy in our style.  The gals brought their selections over, and I commandeered Tom to make the selection.  I chose playing cards to represent each of our pieces, Tom suggested Ace, Two and Three.   Each card representing the alphabetical letters of the three of us in this particular order:  Ace for CC, Two for CH and Three for NT (me), he shuffled the three cards many times. (and he did not see all the submissions either, so he had no preference over one image or another)
and then drew the winner...the Two of Spades
Two for Cindy.  The visual on this particular Two of Spades is even more representative of our friend as she is a MAJOR gardener!
Here is the winning painting...
And these are the other two that didn't get picked this time, but if we enjoy the challenge we can do these as well...
Carol Ann's painting by Robert Henri (wooded path) I think we hiked through this path!
and my selection by Fairfield Porter's View with Sailboat
I challenge any one else to join us for the fun of it! Feel free to post your results on my Festive Fibers Facebook page
L-R CA, me, CH Watching the sunset over the Monhegan Harbor

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