I have just completed a 4 session course for upholstery weight felt. The student was from New Brunswick Canada, and we felted and taught/learned on line - virtually! I used a program called ooVoo (I didn't try Skype but probably can) We were both pretty pleased with how the process went. Trish was an experienced felter, mostly nuno and hats, so working with a felter who understands how to check their fiber layer thicknesses, who knows a bit of handling batts and peeling them apart, certainly is better for this type of learning application than someone who has never felted and handled fiber (I think!). We touched on pattern talked a bit about color, I gave a whole wet felt process demo, how to create motifs with nice sharp edges, and then coached her through the beginning 2 hours of her wet felting/rolling. Trish is you read this please feel free to add your comments below. And thank you - thank you, it was great felting with you!