We took a vacation to San Diego and Los Angeles the end of February, and after we returned, the weather here in So Western New Hampshire has been threatening SPRING in full force! We had over a week of over 80 degrees in March, and now it is the middle of April and I have rushed to turn my veggie bed, and put down grass fertilizer before it rains this weekend. Folks here are already mowing grass! I think I'll be mowing mine next week.
I am scheduled to give an hour presentation, titled "A Matter of Color" Friday May 4th to the New Hampshire Assoc. of Family and Consumer Sciences, that's NHAFCS for short. I will be presenting at the new Marriott in Keene, NH. It is my Color Theory Class put to slide show, in BRIEF. I think it will work out very well, I spent quite a few hours converting my favorite magazine photos into jpegs and translating the progression of my full day class into a one hour slide show. I am presenting to educators, this is a break out session for them to get CEs. I'll let you know how it goes!
Also recently I taught a 4 day class at NEFS. (That's New England Felting Supply in Easthampton, Mass) We had a full class at 12 students! The class was Felts for Upholstery Fabric, and while these shots of the final day and critique are great I cannot wait to see some of the finished chairs and pillows students promised to make their fabrics into!!
Last but certainly not least I am beginning to paint designs again. I have cleared studio space, made the paper (Stonehenge from Utrecht Art Supplies, I love the guys in the Cambridge Mass store, they are sooo helpful) and paint purchases (Turner Design Gouache from Jerry's Artarama, thanks for turning me on to Jerry's both Gail Callahan and Jean Gauger - I did this order via internet, but yes ladies one day we should go to the "local" store in person! But boy you should have seen all the FREE goodies I got along with my paints! I thought I got someone else's order!), and am starting to get pumped! Presently a gorgeous turquoise mottled blotch sits on my painting table...much more to come on this! Can you guess what color those flowers are going to be?